Companii și organizații utile
Linkuri din industrie
Am inclus o selecție de linkuri către organizații terțe pe care le considerăm utile pentru operatorii de drone.
AviaEduc is a professional and competent course provider within aviation. We meet the needs and wishes of the customer – even if they are special. We deliver a proven online concept – via a “Learning Management Setup” (LMS) for distance learning, which allows you to study regardless of time and place. Our learning concept has its basis from aviation where it has and is still used for recurrent training, initial courses, type rating m.m. for Pilots, Cabin Crew and Ground Personnel. Our “Crew” all have a previous Aviation background.
The Prodron Group has been implementing drones for effective work since 2010.
Prodron Group provides proven drone solutions for professionals: hardware, software, training, services, support.
Operadrone is a Spanish professional drone course provider authorised by EASA. Our mission is to fit every need of drone pilots. No matter whether it is initial training drone courses, specialisation courses or legal advice – with Operadrone you will never fly alone.
vitiDron is a company that offers Agriculture 5.0 services with a very specialised focus on Precision Viticulture with remote sensing using Drones.
Through the new technologies in equipment and software that we use, we will be able to give you vital support throughout the yearly development of your vineyard. So that you can keep a complete control of the state of each parcel, and even of each plant. Above all, at key moments in order to improve and optimise your harvest season.
PDM is a large modelling shop located in Acquaviva delle Fonti (Ba) in southern Italy. In 20,000 square meters there is a large model car track and a school for drone pilots recognized by the National Authority. PDM issue an A2 Certificate after delivering a course with their instructors. They are also suppliers to the public administration – many universities and armed forces use them. PDM follow their pilots and update them constantly on the changes and regulations of the UAV sector. PDM sell model cars and drones and provide specialized technical assistance. The CEO of PDM is Antonio Pietroforte Flight Instructor.
Mai jos, puteți găsi o listă cu partenerii noștri asociați din industria de drone:
DroneClub este o platformă care reunește piloți de drone experimentați cu clienții. Piloții de drone se pot înscrie și pot completa un profil pentru a-și prezenta munca anterioară și setul de abilități. Clienții se pot înregistra și pot publica cerințele pentru oferta lor de muncă pe platformă și pot apoi invita piloții, prin intermediul profilurilor lor, să trimită propunerile pentru oferta de muncă sau pot aștepta ca sistemul nostru de asociere automată să alerteze piloții că a fost publicată o nouă ofertă de muncă. Clienții pot compara fără efort propunerile și pot atribui oferta de muncă. Facturarea activității, contractele și livrarea rezultatelor sunt toate gestionate pe platforma DroneClub, oferindu-le atât clientului, cât și pilotului o metodă de gestionare a activității lor. DroneClub are multe alte funcții, înregistrați-vă acum pentru a afla mai multe.
DroneDanmark este cea mai mare asociație pentru dezvoltatori, furnizori, cumpărători și operatori de drone din Danemarca. În asociere cu Camera de Comerț din Danemarca, DroneDenmark se străduiește să îmbunătățească condițiile pentru drone de pe întregul teritoriu al țării, cu scopul de a face ca Danemarca să fie cel mai bun loc pentru transport și tehnologie inovative.
Drone Rescue Systems is one of the leading drone parachute companies in the world and was awarded by the European Space Agency with the ESNC-Award. Their mission is for you as clients to fly safely and to protect bystanders on the ground, your drone and expensive equipment from severe damages. The company, that is based in Austria, is proud to be the first company that a.o. successfully passed the ASTM-F3322-18 standard for the DJI-M600 in order for customers to receive BVLOS waivers in the US and Canada. Parachute solutions can help you win safety for your drone mission and in some cases to receive flying permissions.
Droneklubben is the online community for you who enjoy technology connected to drones / unmanned aircraft. Our purpose is to connect people and expertise together in a safe and inclusive atmosphere. Explore your skills and find the range of opportunities that can bring you and your ideas further into a global business world. Droneklubben is Norways biggest drone-club.
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