On Friday 5th June, the European Commission delayed the applicability date of the European Union Unmanned Aircraft Systems Implementing Regulation 2019/947 until the 31st December 2020. This decision supersedes the previous delay applied by the UK Government. This therefore means that the Implementing Regulation will now become applicable within the UK on Thursday 31st December 2020.
Initially, the law was due to be implemented in July 2020, however, it had been postponed in April due to the disruption caused by the Coronavirus outbreak resulting in a push back to a November 2020 start date.
What Happens If I Have A Valid PfCO?
For drone pilots that currently hold a valid PfCO, or are yet to complete their PfCO training, the CAA has so far made a number of provisions, one of which includes a reduction on the flight currency requirement of two hours of flight time in a three month period. The requirement is now only one hour. Permission holders that are renewing their PfCO can do so having only achieved the required one hour.
Furthermore, candidates that are part of the way through their PfCO training have already been granted an extension in the validity of those qualifications until September 2020 providing, they complete a period of training on the EU regulation package.
If you are mid-way through your PfCO training, we recommend getting in touch with your training provider, as some have already taken the action of transitioning PfCO candidates to the A2 CofC or GVC.
For further information in regards to the delay to the Implementing Regulation, please visit the CAA’s website.